Medical causes of pica in cats
Medical causes of pica in cats

medical causes of pica in cats

Having a thorough understanding of normal species‐typical behaviors for the animal in question is critical to developing a management and/or treatment plan for the individual exhibiting maladaptive or malfunctional behaviors. Other behaviors may represent an animal’s attempt to adapt to an environment to which adaption is not completely possible and should be considered maladaptive (Mills 2003). Some behaviors may reflect a dysregulation or disruption of the neurological system and may thus be considered truly malfunctional, as the medical model suggests. This terminology does not necessarily reflect a knowledge of the cause, mechanism, or neurobiology underlying the behavior (American Psychiatric Association 2013). However, these categories are purely descriptive and often attempt to assign a motivation to the unwanted behavior. This approach broadly categorizes behavior problems using terminology similar to that used in human mental health. Using a medical model approach to problem behaviors can improve communications between caregivers, shelter staff, and the rest of the health care team. It is hoped that with advancing technology, our understanding of the neurophysiologic basis of behavior will continue to improve. While some behavioral changes can be associated with organic diseases, such as space‐occupying masses in the central nervous system or the changes that occur as a result of infection and/or inflammation, other behaviors can result from dysregulation at the neurophysiological or neurochemical level-problems that we still have much to learn about.

medical causes of pica in cats

In addition, every behavior is a result of neurochemical action at the molecular level in the nervous system and thus cannot ever be completely separated from the physiological (see Figure 4.1). Many of these are the most basic of signs and symptoms that all veterinarians are taught to look for, such as the lethargy and anorexia associated with many illnesses. All medical conditions will result in some behavioral change (American Psychiatric Association 2013). To provide optimal medical care for any animal, it is imperative that we first move beyond the paradigm where we attempt to separate “medical” conditions from “behavioral” conditions. At the same time, a complex relationship can exist between physical conditions or disease and behavior, so careful attention must be given to how the two systems (mind and body) affect each other.Ĥ.2 General Concepts of the Relationship between Medical and Behavioral Issues Conversely, if medical conditions that cause or exacerbate problematic behaviors are missed, time may be wasted on training or attempted behavior modification, thus prolonging suffering and time spent in the shelter. If shelter operations, behavior, and/or medical staff identify behaviors that may have an underlying medical cause, they can be addressed immediately, relieving suffering and increasing the adoptability of the animal. Koch, and Leslie Sinnīehavior can change as a result of medical problems or physiological changes. The Relationship between Physiology and Behavior in Dogs and Cats

Medical causes of pica in cats